Rodriguez Engineering Laboratories LLC served as the Independent Construction Quality Assurance Firm and provided Construction Materials QA Inspection and Testing Services for Segments F-1, F-2 and G.
This $1.05 billion Design-Build-Maintain project covers 38 miles of new location main lanes with partial frontage roads, including more than 120 bridges and three major interchanges in an Urban/Suburban location which required numerous traffic reconfigurations and resulted in much of the work being scheduled around peak traffic, including substantial night and weekend work. It extends from US 290 to US 59/I69.
· Services included testing and inspection of more than 6 million cubic yards of embankment, cement stabilized embankment, dry and slurry drilled shafts, subgrade and base, Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete (HMAC) for frontage roads, 124 MSE retaining walls, steel reinforcement and more than 660,000 cubic yards of Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) for structures and main lane paving.
· A total of64,965 inspections were performed covering all aspects of bridge structures ,embankments, cement stabilized subbase and base materials.
· Over 11,000density tests were performed on embankment with an additional 7,600 densitytests performed on cement treated materials.
· REL worked with multiple suppliers, verifying and approving all PCC and HMAC designs in order to help eliminate any potential problems or delays.
· Large volumes of work relative to embankment, cement stabilized subbase and base, and all aspects of bridge structures were inspected by REL.
· REL fulfilledthe environmental training provided by the environmental team, making awaretheir team about environmental restrictions, work windows and permitting anddrainage per Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans.